The Petit Comité

The community project The Petit Comité, was born as an alternative response to a public health concern directly related to the Black cosmetic industry which meets the needs of skin and hair rich in melanin, whether the hair is afro, curly or wavy. Our approach is to focus on hair and skin care, the real needs the community has for hygiene products.

Various recent scientific studies have demonstrated the presence of harmful and highly toxic substances for consumers and especially for children’s growing bodies. With substances prohibited by the EU cosmetic legislation, present in common hygiene, skin and hair products.
One study in particular has shown that 80% of ingredients present in the formula, do not appear on the information label, (Imported labels regulated by the FDA) moreover the concentrations are too high to meet European standards.

The infamous greenwashing is also another danger, when the industry wants to us to believe that the product is natural / organic or from a reliable source when it is a single element of the formulation, drowned in an ocean of petrochemicals.

We are particularly interested in underage children, because in their particular case, early exposure will affect their hormonal development and create compatible ground chronic problems and other complications for their future health in the medium to long term. They will also be prone to develop frequent irritations, skin reactions and various allergies.

The purpose of a consumer group?

Our concept is innovative and simple, it is part of another form of consumption because our philosophy is to democratise access to better quality products and raw materials, from a reliable sources and at reduced costs for the consumer. Because when these ingredients are found in recognised certified brands or from large multinationals, these products are not generally affordable for everyone.

No-frills offers only the essentials:

There is no luxury packaging and you do not pay more for the prestige of a known brand, all non-essential characteristics are eliminated to maintain a low cost, without loss of quality.

The do-it-yourself provides the buyer with:

The raw materials without alteration in its purest state, avoiding
petrochemicals, to use as it is or to transform, it is also a customisable basic kit..

We operate as a consumer group, we make collective purchases in
different European countries at the moment. The idea of ​self-managed collective consumption, organised by the community itself, is inspired by the collaborative economy, which essentially meets the specific needs of the community, by identifying the lack or shortages in the conventional market.

The Petit Comité is a self-funded project by Afronomadness, our only ambition is to keep it afloat, to serve more and more families. It is based on mutual aid through collaborative consumption Between individuals, we are not a profit based company.

We provide personalised advice & consultation service, decipher the formulation of conventional products purchased by you, from the international nomenclature of cosmetic ingredients (INCI) governed by the current cosmetic legislation.
We popularised the properties of compatible raw materials and their uses.
In addition, we now have at our disposal a catalogue of simple recipes for the most daring that we have compiled with the help of two professionals, one is a dermatologist / paediatrician and the other is a chemist / entrepreneur who created her own line of organic cosmetics.

The importance of body care starts from childhood.

We are a space that restores children’s self-esteem and confidence to parents, accompanying the process of reconciliation with the hair routine, if necessary and simplifying it for our users. A solution can always be found with a little help and empathy.

It is from a very young age that these gestures, these care habits
must be transmitted, because they are passed through affection and the first relationship we have with our body comes from the mother and child relationship. Establishing a relationship, an emotional bond with the body for life, directly related to self-esteem.
Our hair routine is not complex or difficult, it is simply different, in many cases forgotten and unknown. You have to apply a different pace to it, use other techniques and gestures, other products and applications, quite simply.

We are quite aware by now that there is no miracle product capable ofchanging our natural afro, kinks or frizzy hair. We need to understand who we are, how our skin and hair react, feed them well for them to become healthy because what is healthy is beautiful.

Our commitment to this community initiative is strong, born from a concerned mother who has observed and analysed the market for more than 15 years, a user of organic raw materials herself.
She also collaborates with entities which are independent observatories or watchdogs, acting as pressure groups, so that the cosmetic legislation is reinforced and respected by the regulatory bodies in place.
Our main angle is to act as a starting point from and for the community, from individual awareness to reach collective responsibility.


As always
we send lots
of love to
The Petit Comité

For more detailed information or to access our catalogue, get in touch.

We hope you will feel inspired to engage and participate.

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