
I wonder if nowadays this humanity as it stands has the capacity to truly connect?
The ability to establish interconnections between minds leaving the insecurities and vanities of the body aside…
Obviating the dictatorship of a physique modeled on an eternal youth that also corresponds to a canon of beauty foreign to the majority.
A dictatorship turned into obsession, lived as daily ritual to go out to face a world that recognizes us only under a limited prism called physical aspect.


We have convinced ourselves that we could have control over part of our fragile existence limited in itself, if we became devotees committed on a daily basis to the building of the image of acceptability. We dedicate time, energy and resources to buy illusion with our cosmetics, our domestic beauty sessions with gadgets of all kinds, in the hairdressing and beauty salon, with our registration to the gym, with the dietitian, the orthodontist or the implantologist and the cosmetic surgeon to finally complete the package with various clothes and accessories.
It is an endless and exhausting race, obviating the inexorability of the oxidative wear of our cells going with our short terrestrial journey.

We move in defined circles where we scan scrupulously to find similar urban tribes, choosing other human beings thanks to what enters through our gaze.
Thinking that it will be enough to connect, the most dedicated will go a little further looking for common interests, the same social background or ethnic group, similar convictions or professional sector.
We have fed this dictatorship with multiple desires to belong or fit the bill; forgetting that a beautiful facade is not synonymous with a balanced and healthy construction.

I wonder if it’s really possible to know how to connect with heart and soul?
If we know how to establish human relationships that would be considered extraordinary because of their remote possibilities.
Where the affectivity would not be affected by distance, differences, age, physical and social status; seeking to locate a desire to communicate with the other, share sensations, emotions, experiences, time, creativity or simple words …
Where a woman could find in a man a twin soul without involving as a basis erotization of any of the bodies involved, leading the relational to another broader spectrum. Where one’s poverty and the wealth of the other would cease to dictate our opposite perceptions of the world or better still, foster a change for true parity and this critical view is equally relevant to the racial issue.

It will be utopian for many I imagine but I dreamed about it and I remain wrapped in this thick coat savoring the hypothetical …


It will be utopian for many I imagine but I dreamed about it and I remain wrapped in this thick coat savoring the hypothetical …

conecting prakash sethia

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